The know-how of a true transformation professional

Plastic transformation | QC, Ontario and USA

Polymer Recycle is a reference in the transformation of post-industrial plastic in Quebec.

The post-industrial plastic thatĀ receivedĀ in our plant is first inspected, sorted and transformed in to high quality pellets under direct supervision of our engineers and technicians team.

Finished products (pellets and granules) are used by our customers for casting various plastic parts.

 Laval Montreal Toronto

Why transform?

Transforming and reuse of the materials offer various handsome benefits:

  • Saves oil, precious and non-renewable raw material, which is also the manufacturing base of plastics (4% of the total world oil production is processed into plastics).
  • Enables energy savings when compared to the production of primary plastic.
  • Do away with the costs of landfill or incineration. It is also important to note that a plastic bottle takes 400 years to disintegrate and that a plastic bag takes 450 years.

150 Bd Industriel Napierville, QC J0J 1L0